Women's Blazer Jacket Outfits - Nail It, Indian Ladies! (Episode 2)
Women's blazer jacket might be still a pretty fresh item in India.
As a jacket-centric brand in India, I SHOULD talk about jackets more with you!!
So, this is the second episode of my styling ideas with blazer jackets.
Episode 2: Different Bottoms For One Blazer Jacket
As a jacket-centric brand in India, I SHOULD talk about jackets more with you!!
So, this is the second episode of my styling ideas with blazer jackets.
Episode 2: Different Bottoms For One Blazer Jacket
Women's Blazer Jacket Outfits - Nail It, Indian Ladies! (Episode 1)
Women's blazer jacket might be still a pretty fresh item in India.
As a jacket-centric brand in India, I SHOULD talk about jackets more with you!!
So, this time my blog is about styling ideas with blazer jackets.
Episode 1: Some Basics
As a jacket-centric brand in India, I SHOULD talk about jackets more with you!!
So, this time my blog is about styling ideas with blazer jackets.
Episode 1: Some Basics
Ethical Female Pirates – How To Go Ethical In Your Fashion
How to be ethical while enjoying fashion? To buy from 'ethical clothing brands'? That's great, but there is another thing you can do immediately. Let's talk!