Short Hair Women, Short Of ‘Femininity’. For Whom Are We 'Feminine'?
Women having a short hair are less feminine? Why do we need femininity anyway, for whom? Is short hair only for lesbians and boys/men? This time I considered about short hair.
Women's Day Special : Apologetic For Being Me?
Special blog post for International Women's Day.
I am in a contradiction. How can I encourage other women to get freedom in their life while I haven't really got?
I am in a contradiction. How can I encourage other women to get freedom in their life while I haven't really got?
7 Ways How To Style Track Pants - Let's Create India's Answer
Track pants have still been on trend. Why don't we create India's Answer of the styling of this comfy item?
Conquer On Fine Days, Read On Rainy Days
Are you the one who always carries a book in your bag? Since when you have been reading? How do you think you grew your reading habit?
I talked about my case and a little bit of my view on books and reading.
I talked about my case and a little bit of my view on books and reading.