No stock updates on 24-27 Jan due to The Lil Flea participation.


Women's Day Special : Apologetic For Being Me?

Women's Day Special : Apologetic For Being Me?

Special blog post for International Women's Day.
I am in a contradiction. How can I encourage other women to get freedom in their life while I haven't really got?

Conquer On Fine Days, Read On Rainy Days

Conquer On Fine Days, Read On Rainy Days

Are you the one who always carries a book in your bag? Since when you have been reading? How do you think you grew your reading habit?
I talked about my case and a little bit of my view on books and reading.

He said “I don’t care if it was made for women” – what is gender and gender fluidity in fashion?

He said “I don’t care if it was made for women” – what is gender and gender fluidity in fashion?

He said “I don’t care if it was made for women” – what is gender and gender fluidity in fashion?
We always try to recognise whether a clothing item is for women or men. Why do we do that? Do we really need to do that?