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Independence Day Special - How do clothes support your freedom and independence as a woman?

Happy Independence Day, India!
I'm so excited to introduce Ms. Veni, our guest author for MIRCHI KOMACHI blog.
Making full use of her amazing network, she is delivering this special post to you for India's Independence Day.


Celebrating Independence Day in true MIRCHI KOMACHI Style, we asked some women how clothes support her freedom and independence as a woman.


NAME: Deepti Dadlani (The A Club, Lower Parel)

QUOTE: As human beings, expression is an important part of our race. We express ourselves through words, Instagram posts, body language, eye contact, our choices and even through what we wear. As we grow, our expressions of self-begin to get more specific: what is it that we want people to know about us at first glance? For women like me, who believe that fashion is a key medium in expressing the various sides of ourselves without having to over-explain with words, fashion or what we choose to wear does the job. Yoshiko does a wonderful job in balancing the strength and ferocity of simple messaging with funky prints while still maintaining the classic cuts for those in a corporate space. Her label MIRCHI KOMACHI shows that women CAN have it all. My style is casual, no-nonsense with a hint of playfulness at work very similar to Yoshiko's funky prints and classic cuts. While away from work I'm a complete shorts and tee kind of person.

image of Ms. Deepti Dadlani for the special blog post for Independence Day


NAME: Tatjana Chen

QUOTE: Freedom and independence for me mean choice! The choice to do - or wear for that matter - what I feel like regardless of what other people think I "should be wearing". Skirt or trousers, loose or tight, pink or black, multiple layers or simple jeans and T-Shirt. That also includes the choice, not having to choose.

Image of Ms. Tatlaja Chen for special blog post for Independence Day

image of Ms Tatlaja Chen 2 for the special blog for Independence Day


Aishwarya Iyengar (her beautiful blog is here

QUOTE: Being a Textile & a fashion designer, I am deeply connected to Traditional Indian Textiles as they bring out the true emotion in a person. Indian Garments have innumerable possibility of styling. Freedom for me is wearing clothes the way I want, even if it’s an Indian attire to make it look Western is a great deal of pride. As when wearing Indian attire make a lot of difference!

Image of Aishwarya Iyengar for special blog post for Independence Day


Krishnaveni K

Quote: I would say at certain places we don't have the freedom to choose our clothing. A women’s clothing still depends upon her mode of transport and surroundings. The same thing goes for me but I like to dress fusion and quirky. And love to wear junk jewellery.

Image of Ms. Krishnaveni K for the special blog post for Independence Day


: Gwenda Schobert

QUOTE: In German, we say Kleidermachen Leute. For me, clothing is an important way to express my character. Just the way I use words to share my thoughts and beliefs. Statement t-shirts like this help me to take a clear stand in our society without the need to discuss my opinion on women rights with everyone on the streets. But seeing me, whether in this statement t-shirt or any other of my clothes, people will know that I am a strong, positive, creative person.

Image of Ms. Gwenda for the special blog post for Independence Day


Banjaran Baali (their blog is full of fun ideas) 

Quote: Clothes play a major role in making you confident. They reflect who you are, wearing what you feel like however you like it gives a sense of independence.

Image of Banjaran Baali for the special blog post for Independence Day


Thank you so much, ladies, to give us such great answers!

What about you?
How do your outfits support your freedom and independence as a woman?
In what type of clothes do you feel free and independent
Or, for some, it can be 'to be free from caring about what to wear', sticking to one's signature style??
Chalooo, tell us, tell us!


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